FAQ Section
Q1. How safe is my personal information with Yes! We Can? | Q5. How has Yes! We Can India built trust with its donors? |
All the data are encrypted and have protected database and separated in a separate file on our desktop. | We have complete transparency with our donors and provide them with photos and bills of certain expenditure if they require in any special condition. IF the donation is made towards a particular event. |
Q2. How can I contact you regarding my donations? | Q6. Do accept donations in kind? Blankets/food etc? |
You can either contact us via email or by calling us on (+91 9811340427), (+91 8377869863), (+91 8700379610) | Yes, we do accept, but you have to deliver it to our office. For bigger quantities, we can provide transportation. |
Q3. Are there any tax benefits on donating to Yes! We Can India? | Q7. Do you accept donations in foreign currencies? |
Yes, for any Indian corporate or MNC or Indian individual residents we have tax benefits under 12A ATG Indian tax act. | NO, at present we do not to accept foreign currency. |
Q4. Will I get tax exemption certificate for my donation? | |
Yes, at the end of every financial year you will get a detailed statement and certificate provided you give your PAN CARD, PAN CARD NUMBER and full name. |